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Automatic Stereo De Esser
The free Lisp De Esser by Sleepy-Time DSP is designed to speed up the process of de essing. The plugin uses an automatic sibilant detection algorithm to find sibilance ('ess', 'shh', 'teh' sounds). You simply select a range of frequencies, based on voice pitch of the singer, and Lisp only acts on this particular range. When sibilance is detected, the Lisp plugin generates an inverted copy of the signal to reduce its loudness. An extremely simplistic concept but with very effective results!Lisp also offers some very interesting stereo options: You can use the de esser on both channels simultaneously, only on the left or the right channel individually, or on both stereo channels separately.
Lisp De Esser delivers a very smooth and natural output with a minimum of fuss while lessening unwanted noise on your track. Available as a 32- and 64-bit Windows VST.