Chorus VST Plugin - Free Download
TAL Chorus-LX:

Juno-60 VST chorus
The Chorus-LX VST effect by Togu Audio Line is a VST audio plugin with the same characteristics as the chorus in the Roland Juno-60 synth from the early 1980s. The Chorus-LX VST plugin features 2 different chorus modes and a stereo width control knob. The sound is very rich and smooth!Classic Chorus:

Classical Chorus VST Plugin
Classic Chorus by Kjaerhus Audio is a natural and clear sounding chorus VST plugin. It features delay times ranging from 1.25ms to 320 ms and stereo spread with modulation depth and rate. The Classic Chorus audio plugin supports sampling rates up to 96kHz, and is great for adding depth, phatness and stereo perspective to almost any sound signal.Ukm Chorus 2:

4-stage chorus VST effect
The Ukm Chorus 2 VST plugin by uk-music is a 4-stage chorus effect. The parameters of each stage can be adjusted separately and unused stages can be disabled to reduce CPU consumption in the audio sequencer. The stages of the Ukm Chorus 2 VST differ only in the basic delay adjustment ranging from 10ms to 50ms. A great sounding and very versatile chorus vst plugin!Vento Chorus:

Chorus plugin with tremolo
The free Vento VST plugin by Acrobatics Software is a 4 voices chorus that filters every voice with a different harmonic modulation. Tremolo can be added to enhance the chorus effect. Every parameter of the Vento Chous plugin is fully customizable giving it maximum flexibility with smooth changes to the signal, that varies from monophonic tube-flangers to incredibly rich stereo chorus effects.