Hybrid Synth VST Plugin - Free Download

Emulation of a Clasic Hybrid Synth
The Arppe2600va VST plugin by Richard Brooks and the Voltkitchen Group is an emulation of the legendary ARP 2600 -a semi-modular analog monosynth from 1970. The VST plugin features 3 very dirty sounding oscillators, 1 noise generator, PWM, Frequency modulation (FM), ring modulation, 2 envelopes, an LFO section, sample and hold, pitch bend, and a spring reverb. The Arppe2600va VST synth is completely patchable via a 12 slot Modulation Matrix, and it comes with 80 killer presets!OranZe:

Hybrid Synth with Manual Waveform Editing
The free OranZe VST Synth by DSK Music is a hybrid synth featuring 2 oscillators with 135 different preset waveforms each, 2 LFO's with 5 waveforms and 1 LFO with 42 waveforms, LFO Routing Matrix, phase modulation, 32-step sequencer, and a 16-step gate sequencer. This free hybrid synth has a cool and very rich sound, and it even let's you edit the factory waveforms of the two oscillators with your mouse to any waveform you wish. Essentially this gives you complete control over the sound of the synthesizer. On top of this the OranZe plugin has a sweet randomize function, that can spit out new and very useful preset sounds in no time!page 1
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